India is home to a variety of religions. The major ones practiced include Hinduism
, Islam
, Christianity
, Sikhism
, Buddhism
, Jainism
, Zoroastrianism (Parsi)
, Judaism
, and the Bahá'í Faith
. Each religion has its own holy books, places to pray, and special traditions that help make India’s culture diverse and rich.
– texts:Vedas
, worship intemples
– text:Quran
, worship inmosques
– text:Bible
, worship inchurches
– text:Guru Granth Sahib
, worship ingurdwaras
– text:Tripitaka
, worship inmonasteries
– texts:Agamas
, worship intemples
.Zoroastrianism (Parsi)
– text:Avesta
, worship infire temples
– text:Torah
, worship insynagogues
.Bahá'í Faith
– text:Kitáb-i-Aqdas
, worship inBahá'í Houses of Worship
, the ancient religion, deeply influences India’s culture, alongside other religions that contribute to the country’s rich spiritual heritage.